2024 Election Resources

Your vote can prevent the next mass shooting.
At March Fourth, we say #ParticipationRequired, and that is true now more than ever.

2024 is an important year to use your voice.

Every two years, your U.S. Representative is up for re-election. You have the opportunity this year to decide if your elected official is best representing you and earned your vote.

Primary elections are happening now and the general election is coming soon this November 5th.

Here’s your guide to get to know your candidates, understand their positions on the issues most important to you, and make a plan to vote accordingly. If you are committed to our shared mission to bring a federal assault weapons ban into law, it is important to know where your candidates stand on the issue.

What do I say?

Just remember: Candidates want to hear directly from their constituents on which issues matter most and they get many calls a day. Their staff is VERY familiar with this process, so you should feel comfortable and empowered reaching out directly!

Script (for calling or emailing): Hello, my name is __________ and I am a voter in your district. My #1 issue is gun violence prevention and reinstating a federal assault weapons ban. I’d like to know how the candidate would vote on this issue?

  • It is up to you what specifically you want to hear from the candidate, but be advised that some may try to conflate general gun control, mental health or Second Amendment rights in their answer. You can re-direct and say you just want to know about an assault weapons ban stance (if that is your objective for the call)

    Click here to familiarize yourself with the facts if you want to engage more openly on your call.

  • Whatever makes you comfortable. A phone call would allow you to have a dialogue, particularly if you feel they have not answered your first question directly (i.e. deflected to issues of mental health, position on the 2nd amendment, etc.)

  • We are working hard to keep our directory up to date! But things change frequently, especially leading up to the primaries. Balletopedia.org is a good nonpartisan resource. Click on the link and follow to your state for a list of confirmed candidates by district.

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